Wednesday, May 28, 2014

On Snakes and Sticks

Spencer found a snake, at String Lake, after eating cake, it isn't fake, he's super great and my best mate!
At the start of 2014 I did something SO STUPID! I realized I was turning 39 in February, which meant the big 4-0 (GASP) was hovering just a short year away, this thought caused a momentary midlife meltdown (which in the future will be referred to as MMM, which is similar to M&M's just minus the hard candy shell, meaning it melts in your mouth AND in your hands). It is, I confess, a luxurious thing, my melting down instead of my boys; so I was selfish, I decided I needed some pampering, and allowed myself five minutes to bask in my MMM.  BUT during that five minutes I decided that before I turned forty I wanted to do something “life affirming??!!” (Good Grief!!) Top of my list of course was to eat an entire house-made hot fudge Sundae from the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory in San Francisco. So, I figured in order to balance it out, I’d better take up running again, something I hadn’t done since college. As you can clearly see, the boys’ melting down doesn’t have nearly such catastrophic effects on my life as MY melting down.
Another shot (this one taken right before Spencer FLUNG the snake at me).
String Lake, Grand Teton National Park 2009

I have been running since late January. I am up to 45 continuous cough filled minutes. It would not be an exaggeration to say that usually while running I am experiencing hallucinations from sheer dehydration as I stagger incoherent along the park trail, a Hansel and Gretel pattern of sweat marking my progress in the 98 percent wretched Texas humidity. The sweat makes my eyes sting, (keeps me alert) my fair complexion burning with heat until I am red enough in the face that Louis, a sweet senior citizen who runs 8 miles a day (without even breaking a sweat) and also a volunteer fire fighter, felt it was his civic duty to stop me in my tracks and make sure I wasn’t experiencing chest pains (we’ve become very close over the last few months). Yes I am that runner. The one someone should blog about…(well if SHE can do it…ANYONE can!)  Needless to say, it was during one of these hallucinating-sweat-blurred-vision-states  that I came around the bend and noticed in the foliage up ahead a python; his diamond head raised and hissing, just waiting to strike. OR it could have been a stick. I continued forward, counting every ragged breath, knowing I was on mile two of four but comforted that Louis promised to start chest compressions if needed when he found my catatonic form on mile three. As I raced towards the snake, the rational dime size part of my brain said, “Joanie it’s just a stick. It’s not a snake. Simmer down!” But, then the part of my brain (the right side?) that likes drama said, “NOPE this is freaking TEXAS! Everything’s bigger in Texas! And probably someone’s viper or anaconda or boa constrictor;  the family pet, has escaped and been living on squirrels, feral cats and the bodies of reluctant turning forty runners who have passed out on the side of the trail from Texas induced humidity dehydration.”

We are fans of fishing....the guy next to Spencer caught this shark. My boys are DRAWN
to anything dangerous, which means that Spencer tried to help him get the hook out
and almost lost a hand. Oceanside California, October 2010
As I continued my approach, my mind ran wild with possibilities; "would it strike fast? Does the hospital have an anti venom regimen? What if I can’t identify the snake? And died a painful if not IRONIC death because how many stupid episodes of something like “Man Verses Wild” or “Weird True and Freaky” on snakes have I suffered through with my boys? Would Louis see the puncture wounds and know to suck the venom from my leg? (Why don’t I ever shave??? Poor Louis!) Dang! My phone is in the car, how can I call 911?  I guess I could draw 911 in the dirt or I could start a signal fire by rubbing two sticks together and do SOS puffs of smoke? (I moaned out loud at this plan because then I’d have to take off my shirt to make the puffs and then everyone would know I was still working to lose my “I’ve had three babies belly” and yes I know my baby is twelve! Stop judging me! I’m about to die from a snake bite! Have a little compassion already!) Then I started wondering about the cost of anti venom care… And do they charge you for an ambulance someone called when they saw your SOS fire, but by the time it arrived you realized you had just been scraped by a stick? How much does it cost to be life-flighted? Where would the helicopter land?  And what if they have to fly in the anti venom from India on a plane and it’s diverted because of thunderstorms and that twelve hour window is blown? Wait! Doesn’t Timmy down the street have a python we could milk?”All these thoughts were racing through my head as I ran alone on the asphalt trail; heartbeats pounding in my ears, getting closer and closer to the snake stick. And in the overcast haze, in the shade of the trees in the moist dirt with roots reaching up like arms from the grave I couldn’t tell what it really was.

I opened up the bathroom door...and found this reptile relieving himself
Love that Logan @ Jackson Wyoming 2009
Well you will be happy to know it wasn’t a rare horned viper, and that Louis didn’t have to risk razor burn to his face from my stubbly leg hair. But, on mile three of four I started thinking about my tendency to see snakes when there are only sticks.  Now, to be fair, I have had to suck a lot of metaphorical puncture wounds free of venom in my life. I’ve had snakes strike out nowhere and had the carpet pulled out from under me so many times that my rug burned knee jerk reaction now is to expect the worse. It’s an act of self preservation. If you are expecting a snake but it’s really just a stick then think how relieved you will be when you’re not life-flighted? AND, conversely, think how mentally prepared you will be (always always always protect that vulnerable heart) when it IS a snake and you ARE life-flighted.
But here’s the trick. It’s exhausting thinking there are snakes everywhere, even if in reality there are. It’s exhausting living your life with your boxer gloves held in a protective stance up to your face. It’s exhausting to operate in fight or flight mode all the time. (NOT to mention the whole cortisol hormone reaction which packs pounds around the middle when the catalyst for activation, i.e. stress is added to the mix… which I don’t think I have to point out that the side effect of unfair weight gain CAUSES stress, especially when put in a potential SOS fire building situation). I am tired of my sympathetic nervous system being SO sympathetic and just automatically triggering physiological changes; racing heart, rapid breathing, adrenaline secretion, so on mile three of four I decided that before I turned forty the real life affirming thing I needed was to figure out a way to have a life I WANTED to affirm (i.e. one filled with joy instead of anxiety), to start to see sticks again instead of snakes. OR to see stick AND snakes but be ok anyway.  
Alex posing behind a shark egg sack...this is what his embryo would look like.
Lego Land Sea Life Aquarium, 2010

Especially because Alex, (bless his heart) often struggles with making out the true shape of things. Only he takes it one step further than my dementia (seeing snakes where there are sticks) he takes a half truth, twists it, makes it into an undisputable fact, infuses it with a cocktail of highly explosive emotion and a catalyst of anxiety and mistrust and BAM! You not only have a snake instead of stick, but you are suddenly wading through something that looks like a scene from and Indiana Jones movie, knee deep in reptiles instead of walking through a forest. For example, Alex broke his arm, and when the Dr. went to take off the cast, his arm still hurt. She assured him that while it still hurt, the bone had healed. She showed Alex his X-ray as proof, however, Alex saw the space in his wrist between bones where the growth plate was and deduced that his arm was STILL broken AND that Drs. (obviously) were liars. This argument continued AT LEAST three years. ***As a side note, when you have a child who sees doctors regularly, this can be problematic and or potentially embarrassing when for example your son finds out his scout leader (and I should mention family friend) is also a doctor and refuses to go to scouts and when finally prodded enough to attend, yells during a pack meeting at his leader “YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A LIAR!! ANYBODY WHO LISTENS TO YOU IS AN IDIOT!!!”

Alex loves to go rafting at String Lake, the glacial water doesn't stop him from paddling around. Wyoming 2009
I often thought about Alex while reading The Hunger Games. In the story, one of the heroes, Peeta is injected with something called Tracker Jacker Venom. The venom, specifically engineered to target the part of the brain that generates fear and creates terrifying hallucinations, is used to hijack memories as a form of torture. A memory is called up by some sort of stimulus then venom is injected and the memory becomes subconsciously associated with fear and pain as well as being perceptibly warped. Afterwards, the brain records the memory in the altered form creating an effect which can never fully be healed, but treatment includes recalling the memory and attempting to associate it with positive emotions. The venom of autism –or at least how it manifests itself in Alex’s world- has altered my son’s memories, caused him at times to live in a state of terrifying grief, and the complication of perseverating causes him to replay those memories -digitally re-mastered in 3D- time and time again.
The boys climbing the jumping rock, right before taking the plunge! Wyoming 2009

Snakes instead of sticks. It’s the forest we live in. BUT, now that I’m almost forty, and with the clarity of thought that comes from being a runner (insert maniacal laughter) I’ve accepted that part of being an advocate for my child (which aren’t we all advocates for our children) means that I cannot afford to be so caught up in my own painful memories, my fight or flight response, so distracted in fleeing that I miss an opportunity to help my children fight the good fight, reclaim their happy memories and find peace.    
I am absolutely lousy at selfies, but took this shot right before going running 
because I was trying to see if my friend thought I should keep the jacket.
(Then I realized who wears a jacket when running in Texas?) March 2014

 So I’m working on it, one sweaty baby step at a time. I can't say that I have all the answers, or really any answers: diaphragmatic breathing, positive self talk? I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to get there, but I have a direction, and I'm moving forward. Plus, I’m thinking the next time Louis checks my heart rate I’m going to ask him to help me come up with a detailed plan of action; I’m pretty sure that in volunteer fire fighter classes they have a segment of time dedicated to mental health; or maybe I can just ask him to carry a stun gun to deliver a jolt to my heart to revive me during the times when life and not just dehydration renders me catatonic

Sunday, May 18, 2014

But I Wanted Donuts!!

Beloved cousins Sam, Grace & Issac Ellis sporting their Krispy Kreme hats with Spencer
Notice all the donuts are long gone. June 2010

On a lazy summer afternoon several years ago, I watched as my two year old son Spencer raced from the kitchen to where I sat nursing his brother Logan on the couch. He barely paused in front of me before tossing a can of Spahettios into my lap (narrowly missing Logan’s head…sorry in advance third child) while crying triumphantly, “I want donuts!” After reminding Spencer once again that it was a family rule not to give our brothers concussions, I picked up the can, registered the Chef Boy R. Dee symbol and laughing said, “Oh Spencey, these aren’t donuts, these are noodles.” “NO!” He replied stubbornly, shaking his red head from side to side for emphasis, then, pointing to the picture of the yellow bloated circles on the front of the can, said, “DO-NUTS!”  I traced the same picture with my finger and with the air of authority borne from my reign as a parent said, “NOO-DLES.” Spencer sighed heavily (as if to imply I was the most taxing person he’d ever been forced to reason with) then he scrambled into my lap, (sorry once again third child) put his hands on either side of my cheeks, pressed his forehead to my forehead and said slowly -one dimple winking while he talked- “Help you me get the donuts mom?” I smiled, said, “Ok,” stood and laid Logan on a blanket, then scooped that little boy into my arms and carried him to the kitchen. I sat him on the counter top; his little legs dangled over the edge banging against the cupboards like a metronome while I foraged through the drawers for the can opener.  Spencer clapped his hands when I found one and watched fascinated as I slowly opened the can; but when I pried back the lid and little Spence peered inside, anticipation wetting his perfect lips, Instead of exuberance, betrayal register on his face as he starred at the watery red sauce; then he looked at me, his mournful eyes filling with tears, his bottom lip quivering as he reached his arms out for me to pick him up and kiss it all better, to magically restore order from chaos. I gathered him into my arms, he burrowed his head into the crook of my neck and after a moment of silent heaving cried out on a broken sob, “But I wanted donuts!”
Logan eating celebratory "I just graduated from elementary school" noodles. June 2013
And this was the exact phrase I uttered (BUT I WANTED DONUTS) as I pushed my way into the Costco bathroom in Henderson Nevada to try to wash the orange vomit out of my hair; it was orange of course because all Spencer had eaten that morning were items from the orange food group; goldfish crackers, cheddar cheese chunks, (no pun intended) orange juice, cheetos, orange crayons…the usual. So when on mile 357 of 853 he’d projectile vomited from the backseat of the van like something out of the Poltergeist, and since there was no Priest handy to perform an exorcism (he having willingly jumped from the car at mile 103 of 853) I got the brunt of the vomit force (which is similar to the Star Wars force, minus the light sabers).  In case you were confused on the timeline, the vomiting happened before Logan had gotten loose from his car seat and tried to open the van door while we hurled along the freeway at 69 mph, but after Alex had -in a fit of rage- thrown his hamburger patty at the windshield because it had pickles on it, then cried out in frustration and threw his drink cup too because he was mad he didn’t have anything to eat.

Is that a full glass of aspertame filled Diet Dr. Pepper at 6:40 am for no special reason???
 Oh are a boy after my own heart! October 2013
In Costco, (the closest building to the freeway exit) I cursed the day I ever thought taking a road trip alone with three boys ages 2-5 would be a good idea. Keeping my boys in the cart while I raced towards the bathroom was like trying to keep water in a colander, they all but poured from the metal squares like shape shifters. They wanted to sit on the riding lawn mowers I said “NO!!!” They wanted me to buy them ice cream, I said, “NO!!” They wanted a stuffed dog the size of their father; I said “NO!” They wanted spaghetti samples I said, “FINE” and handed them little plastic cups of pasta, then Alex threw his spaghetti sample at Spencer and Spencer threw his back at Alex and I said, “ENOUGH!!” Which made everybody (including their mother) start to cry as we made our way into the bathroom. Starring at my haggard, orange dye #40 stained form in the Costco bathroom mirror, I wondered who this woman looking back at me was, certainly no one I recognized. Spencer climbed out of the cart and slid under a bathroom stall, I didn’t even try to stop him, I wordlessly grabbed wads and wads of paper towels and wetting them started rubbing at my shirt, my hair, the side of my neck while Logan continued to cry. “Cheer up little boy” I said over-cheerfully (and by over cheerfully I mean maniacally), “We only have 488 miles left to go!” Then I may have burst into tears. Again.

Mother's Day Ego waffels from a bear cub? Yes please! May 2013
Amidst my crying and Alex’s ranting about how hungry he still was, a bathroom stall door opened and a sweet white haired lady emerged. She stepped over Spencer’s jerking legs, walking calmly to the sink and while turning on the water said, “You have the most beautiful children. They are exquisite!” I confess at that moment I may have looked at her like she was speaking Cantonese and I couldn’t quite process the words in my simple mind. Or certainly she must have been being sarcastic, but she spoke with a tender sincerity that split me apart. “You must be such a talented mother to be able to raise such fine sons” (And cue stage left; Logan climbing into the sink and stepping directly into her stream of water). “Would you mind” she continued, patting Logan on the head, “if I gave them each a dollar to buy a treat?” She opened her purse and continued to talk to me in low soothing tones, like one would talk to a skittish animal, or a person standing on a ledge, “Energetic boys take so much work. I had energetic boys when I was your age.” She pulled some dum dums, from her purse and asked, “I just got these from the bank…could I give them to your beautiful boys?”  Upon spying the candy, Spencer scrambled from the germ infested floor and climbed back in the cart she was pointing to. Logan (now soaking wet) climbed back into the cart and sat down too. “You are doing a fantastic job. Don’t you think mommy is doing a good job boys?” She asked.  The boys, who were busily unwrapping their suckers, paused, looked up at her with wide, unblinking eyes and nodded silently.”  She finished drying her hands, handed me the three dollars and said, “Don’t give up. This is the most important thing you will ever do, and you’re doing it.”

Logan eyeballing a "succulent chocolate -no sprinkles mom-" donut. October 2013
Her words, balm to my soul, stayed with me the rest of the day, and even still I can close my eyes and remember the way I was buoyed up, re-inflated, soothed by a papery skin pat on the back; a catalyst of kindness that enabled me to move forward. But I think even more than I needed her soothing words on that long ago day in Costco (and I did) I needed the lesson of how to respond to others in their moment’s of crisis even more. To contrast the reaction of the Costco grandma, I offer the reaction of another mother, during another moment of crisis (lets be honest I am in a state of constant crisis. I have a lot of examples to draw from).  Fast forward six years into the future to a Sunday afternoon in church; it was Mother’s Day in fact. Nothing dramatic about the setting and honestly not even a crisis moment, we were just sitting in a pew -and by sitting I mean flopping spinelessly, my boys flung like boneless chicken cutlets against me- like any Sunday. Alex, A.K.A. Captain Autism, continued to find the semantics of church -the crush of people, crying babies, the prodding to sit up, be reverent, be still, whisper- to be overwhelming. He has a hard time adjusting the volume of his voice (meaning he doesn’t) and was upset and was expressing his frustration to Russ, who consequently had taken him out of the chapel.  I was sitting with Spencer and Logan slumped against either side of me. Logan, also autistic, spilled out even further onto the bench, crying, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed mother, but I am dying of starvation here. Unless you want to carry a corpse out of the church will you please find it in your heart to give me some morsel of nourishment?” I was smiling at Logan, about to tassel his blond hair, tell him I was proud of the way he had made it through the first two hours of church without incident, tell him I had a string cheese in my purse, and a Hershey kiss in my pocket and could he just try to be quite a few minutes longer? I was thinking what a great Sunday it was turning out to be when I overheard the clucking of the woman behind me. She was hissing into her husband’s ear “What kind of mother lets her children behave this way in the House of the Lord? Hasn’t she taught them anything? She is ruining them! I would be ashamed if I was her!”
Sam Ellis about the same age as Spencer when Spencer had his Aha moment.... Love this boy! June 2010
There’s a line from the Apocraypha that reads, “The stroke of the whip maketh marks in the flesh; but the stroke of the tongue breaketh the bones.” And in that moment my bones felt ground into a fine powder like an aphrodisiac you would find at a Chinese herb shop –ground bone of guilt bound failure mother- it’s very potent and in large supply. In this scenario I remember feeling like all the air was let out of me. All the fight. All resolve to do better, to try harder, to keep moving forward. I remember gathering up the scattered books, the paper and pens, the boneless boys and leaving church before I could get my Mother’s Day flower.
It has been said the greatest need of the human soul is the need for kindness, and with Mother’s Day, now come and gone, I was thinking about kindness, and the way we treat our fellow mothers and the way we treat ourselves.
I love Grace's face in this pose... been there Grace (WHAT?!! THE DONUTS ARE ALL GONE!!) June 2010

Russ used to come home from football practice and he would tell me about lining up against opposing players, he would paint a dismal picture declaring, “The guy across from me had me by fifty pound and three inches at least! I mean he was a monster!”  “Were you scared?” I would wonder. “Nah,” Russ would answer like a typical man, “I knew I could take him.” Men think differently then woman, they compare strengths to strengths.  If a woman was to line up toe to toe against another woman they would immediately compare their perceived weakness against another woman’s strengths and feel at once defeated; “Oh my gosh. Look at her arms. Does she go to the gym every day? Her teeth are so white! She must not drink Diet Dr. Pepper like its water? Her skin has such a healthy glow…I guess she doesn’t have aspartame poisoning (curse you delicious Diet Dr. Pepper!!) Is she wearing heels on the grass? I would break my ankle…” And sometimes I confess, the person I am most critical of, the person who gives me the most angst, the most guilt, the greatest pause for regret, remorse, sadness (shall I continue?)  is when I line up against my reflection in the mirror. What the visitor behind me in church didn’t know is that there wasn’t anything she could think of or say that I hadn’t already thought of or said to myself.  
But here’s the deal, this destructive pattern of thinking -especially when extended to the lives of others- is never productive, it never ends well and is not a club I want a membership in. To coin a phrase from Oprah, here is what I know for sure: We are all on the same team so there’s no need to line up against each other. Everyone has moments when they are drowning in puddles of red sauce (which is especially hard to get out of white jerseys) even (gasp!) those people perceived as being flawless and leading perfect pinterist worthy lives.  The truth is, you never know what’s going on in someone else’s life, and you never will know unless you ask. I believe the only way we will make it through this life with any degree of joy is if we drop our stones so our hands can be free to lift up those hands that hang down.

Like Spencer, I was shocked to learn the contents of my can of motherhood were not the contents I was anticipating (and in truth NOBODYS ever is). But this life jammed packed and vacuum sealed with noodles (when all that I ever wanted was donuts) has taught me that when all else fails, love never does. Love makes everything taste like it’s covered in glaze. Even Spaghettios.